Rosebud #345

Just wondering...
How much are the Republicans paying the bohunk for his appearance at the RNC tonight?
Just kidding.
But it is all very weird, people—it's weird!
Well, as long as we're talking conspiracy theories (or the sort of giddily cute fantasy scenarios favored by certain NY Times columnists), here goes:
America, swooning over the wonderful heroism of the Palin procreators, votes McCain/Palin into office. McCain promptly dies after tripping over his bed pan (remember, we're just joshing here) and President Palin is sworn in. (OMG.) She sweetly commemorates her deceased cohort by attacking Iran (and a buncha other places) and launching World War III—so implementing the next phase of the neo-con agenda. Cheney et al continue to run shit behind the scenes... She's Bush III.
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