Rosebud #338

And yet I wish he had talked about ending torture...domestic spying (like he used to)...closing down Guantanamo Bay. How to deal with terrorism without jeopardizing our civil rights... And ending the war "responsibly"? What exactly does that mean? That it's not really going to end anytime soon?...
And how about cutting the $600 billiion Pentagon budget? The real reason we're going broke, folks. (Not to mention how the Pentagon, Inc. fouls up the environment—the No. 1 polluter in the world.)
It will be interesting to see how President Obama will deal with these challenges. And yet he's obviously the better candidate. There's really no comparison. John McCain? "He's my age," said an old lady in my building this morning, with frank derision. "I like Obama," she said. "We need a change."
Seems like everybody's feeling this way. One wonders how the Republicans are going to justify their dirty tricks this time, when they try and steal the election. Do we expect them to do things differently when it has worked for them for the past eight years? But it will just smell so bad, this time. Like Eau de Rove. Get ready for the cooked polls, the funny voter rolls in—what state will they target this year? I just hope the Dems don't roll over, that this time they fight to the death. We might not be in the pickle we're in right now if Al Gore (bless his heart, I know he's done good since) hadn't given up on Florida... Pray.
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