Rosebud #334

Dumb Donkey!
But why are the Democrats playing it so nicey-nice at this convention? I think it is a mistake. We have endured eight years of a criminal regime which is reviled throughout the world—and they spout pollyanna cliches about "hope" and appeasing-sounding platitudes about "change"? I just don't get it. Don't the Democrats ever want to win an election again? Well, this would be the one to win, with the incumbent president's approval rating at an historic low. Why aren't they talking about the war in Iraq? About the evisceration of the economy? The scrapping of the Constitution? Do they think we're all too stupid to grasp the issues in depth and detail? Or does it go back to that "anger thing"—oooh, anger bad, especially when you have a black man running for Prez. We don't want to seem like the party of the angry black man. No. I think it's all one big mis-reading of the country's mood. I think it's the mistake the Democrats have so often made: talk left in the primaries, then tack right after the nomination. But it didn't work for McGovern in '72, or Gore in '00, or Kerry in '04 (oh but wait a minute—those last two were stolen). The Democrats are making the same mistake all over again, too, of under-estimating their opponent's sheer venality. This is a fight against evil (oh no? then go and take another look at some pictures of Abu Ghraib), not a garden party. Wake up and smell the Napalm, Dems, or it'll be McCain in '08...God forbid!
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