Rosebud #150

Signs and wonders that we’re going to be o.k.:
I’ve been seeing butterflies in New York. Monarchs! Haven’t seen them in years.
I saw a ladybug on my window too.
People seem to be trying to make each other laugh. Have you noticed? Banter and bonhomie definitely on the upswing.
The People’s Impeachment Movement., the alterna-Drudge, where I learned today:
“Lying Imperial President" now part of Congressional Record
Seven Peace Activists Acquitted by Jury; Right to Dissent Inside Senate Office Building Upheld
The waking of the sleeping giant, the American people. The gatekeepers of the Left love to claim there is no longer a Left, and bemoan the days when there was activism in this country (when they were in their 20s, before they got corporate jobs). But there is activism everywhere, it's just different. Look at the Internet. People don't make posters, they make videos and put them on YouTube. They don't put out newspapers, they write blogs. As for marches, people were marching against the war in Iraq before it even started, in the single biggest political march in the history of the world. (And hey, how come I never see those Lefties who complain of no activism at the marches?) We're in the midst of a flowering, of a great awakening. Look at the election last November. The problem we have isn't with "the Left," it's with the political system. It's with the Democrats who aren't doing anything we asked and expected them to, especially in regards to the war. When it comes to the war, practically the whole country is "left"—almost no one supports it. And no one will support the coming war with Iran; God forbid. But that doesn't mean it's not going to happen. That's the troubling moment we're in.
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