Rosebud #146

Check out the new issue of Global Outlook, the Canadian lefty magazine devoted to exposing the truth and lies of 9/11. The current issue (Summer 2007) focuses on media coverage in the last two years, since 9/11 truth hit the mainstream, mostly with the Internet release of the 9/11 documentary Loose Change.
You can find it in great newsstands or order it at There are articles reprinted from New York magazine, Vanity Fair (mine, which you can also see on this web site in “Stories”; it’s called “Click Here For Conspiracy”), The Washington Post, Time, The New York Times, as well as transcripts from programs on almost every major network. It’s very, very interesting. The mainstream media takes on the most controversial, most verboten subject in American history, and the results are in equal parts pathetic and illuminating, if only in the ways they are pathetic.
What strikes me the most, looking over it all, is how reasoned and reasonable, even patriotic, the 9/11 truthers seem, in contrast with many of the journalists, who come off as biased and propagandistic, especially in the television interviews. For example, Kevin Barrett, the University of Wisconsin professor who was reportedly fired for teaching 9/11 truth in the classroom, appeared on The O’Reilly Factor, with this exchange:
Bill O’Reilly: If there is any evidence of this story, it would be all over the place. It would be the story of the century. It’s no place.
Kevin Barrett: Well, unfortunately, they print it once and then they just forget about it.
[He’s talking here about reports that some of the alleged hijackers turned up alive after 9/11; see, from September 23, 2001: “Another of the men named by the FBI as a hijacker in the suicide attacks on Washington and New York has turned up alive and well."]
O’Reilly: Why? Why would you forget about President Bush killing 3,000 Americans? Why would anyone forget about that? Why?
Barrett: Well maybe because he’s killed 600,000 Iraqis and thousands more Americans. We all know he’s a mass murderer, Bill. So why are we arguing about 3000 people, when he’s already killed more than half a million?
And here’s Charlie Sheen on Jimmy Kimmel Live (Kimmel, by the way, let Sheen have his say, even seeming sympathetic to his message):
Kimmel: …People get pretty mad when celebrities have opinions.
Sheen: No, I understand. They said, “He’s not qualified…. Who the hell is he to have an opinion about something so horrible?” And, you know, it was sad because they didn’t really take a look at any of the stuff that generated those questions I had, you know. And they said, “Oh, he’s another tin foil-hat-wearing Hollywood clown.” You know, I felt that the only real validation I needed was just being a tax-paying American that loves my country. (Applause.)
Anyway, it’s a good read, with a running critique by Canadian media critic Barrie Zwicker, who had nice things to say about my piece (he said it “purrs”; oooh, I like that). Thanks Barrie.
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