Rosebud #364

Voices From the Street... How real folks feel... Congress (both sides) better be careful, cause this bailout business is un-pop-u-lar...
Big, hairy dude in the corner deli this morning, classic New Yawk accent:
"I seen on the news some guy crying cause he lost 7 million dollars. What, I'm supposed to feel sorry for you cause you lost 7 million dollars? What about the people who never had 7 million dollars? Or even 7 thousand? When I was building my business, nobody gave me anything. 10 dollars would have been nice. I never got nothin. I don't have bad credit. And now, what, I'm supposed to bail you out, because of your reckless, bad decisions—because you gambled away some old lady's retirement fund and now she has to go live with her grandchildren?"
The person behind the counter: "Yeah, and what about all the money we're spending in Iraq?"
Big hairy dude: "Yeah, what about that—what is it now, trillions? And we're paying for that too. I say Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Uncle Bob, they can all go piss up a pole. I didn't make this problem, so what, now I have to fix it?"
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