Rosebud #356

I think Pamela Anderson speaks for at least half of America, when she says, of Sarah Palin: "I can't stand her. She can suck it."
Palin has provided an interesting barometer of national identity. The country does indeed seem to be divided into two distinct types: those who see Palin as a wonderful, God-fearing hockey mom, and those who think, "She can suck it."
The question is, are there more of them? or more of us? It's about 50-50, I'd guess.
Despite the ravages of the Bush administration, the on-going senseless bloody wars, and the flailing, failing economy, the election is once again going to be a squeaker, come down to culture wars, and the all-important question: Do you just love Sarah Palin? Or do you think she "can suck it?"
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