Rosebud #360

I'm just some lady magazine writer and what do I know? But Rosebud was saying back in July that the economy was headed over a cliff (see Rosebud #311). All it took to see it was common sense. You can't spend more than you have—on things that add nothing to people's lives, like useless military hardware (see Rosebud #313 and #321) and war—without it all eventually catching up to you. And now we have met that day. Today people are talking of the "credit crisis," the subprime mortgage crisis, trying to figure out what's happening and what we should do. And yet no one wants to talk about the mastodon in the room: the $600 billion Pentagon budget. The trillions being spent in Afghanistan and Iraq. This isn't a crisis of capitalism. It's the bankruptcy of militarism. Moral and financial bankruptcy.
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