Friday, September 12, 2008

Rosebud #357

What's going to get Obama elected is all the excited new first-time voters and the return of voters who haven't cast their ballots in years. But look, below, what's happening in a number of states. Voter registrations are suddenly being purged in record numbers. Por que? Rosebud has been calling voting reform the biggest issue facing this country. If the votes don't count, nothing can change. The Republicans aren't going to give up on their current gig so easily. And they have a mastermind of dirty tricks (Rove) running things behind the scenes election-wise. More news on this from the Daily Kos, which urges readers to get the media on the case:

It's not just 600,000 in Ohio: LA, FL, MI, KS, NM, CO, and NV
by Mebe
Sept. 7, 2008

Votes being purged left and right, well not really right, they are the purgers not the purgees.
Keith Olberman, Bill Moyers, anyone and everyone.

Mebe's diary:
Yesterday, thankfully there was a diary on the rec list about 600,000 votes in Ohio, I am happy and glad that diary got some damn attention, far too many like it drop like rocks. EVERYTIME.

I saw this over at Huffington Post.
"Kansas, Michigan and Louisiana are purging their voter lists.

Colorado dumped ONE FIFTH of all voter registrations -- the largest in history
Florida is refusing to accept 85,000 new registrants -- overwhelmingly blacks.
New Mexico: purged half of the democrats in Mora county (Hispanics) and 600.000 mailers were returned
Ohio & Nevada are scrubbing tens of 1000s of voters who lost their homes to foreclosures 
(Kerry lost by a mere 10-votes per district in Ohio)

We have got to get this information out. To all of the folks distracted by the she-devil, get your head out of Palin's ass and help us alert the media and everyone we know.
Can you digg it? This story must get out, right now it's about 60 diggs short of making the page:

Edited to add: Hey Kos could we please have a constant reminder of this issue up until the election? Something, please, I'm begging you. PS Love you and thanks for the site.

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