Rosebud #305

Rosebud Exclusive
More and more public figures are stepping out and acknowledging the many valid, pressing questions about what really happened on 9/11 (once taboo to even mention)—even the need for a new and independent 9/11 investigation. Thanks, Ralph. Now if you would just stop running for president...
Friends in the 9/11 truth movement send the following:
Ralph Nader Publicly Acknowledges Need For NYC 9/11 Ballot Initiative
At a Nader For President rally on Wed. June 18th
at Sympony Space in Manhattan, Ralph Nader
answered a question during the Q&A segment which
indicated his displeasure with the way this
Administration responded to the 9/11 attacks. The
question (posed by Doug White of the 911 Ballot Initiative
Campaign) was, “Why is it that Americans
understand clearly they were lied to about the
leadup to the Iraq war but they’re willing to
trust [the government] in terms of the 9/11
attacks. That doesn’t seem to be very logical. I’d like to have
your thoughts.”
According to a videotaped vetbatim transcription, Nader
responded, “I don’t think they believe them
in either place…People, when they’re lied to a
lot and betrayed a lot, it becomes banal. That
is, they internalize it and they give up on
it…I’ve seen this happen. When people don’t
expect to be lied to they get really angry but
when they’re lied to day after day they sort of
throw in the towel and go about their daily lives.
The 9/11 report would have never occurred if it
wasn’t for the families. In other words, we had
this complex attack on the United States and the
federal government was not going to have an
official inquiry. The families of the deceased
kept pressuring so they finally appointed this
Commission and it said right at the outset it
wasn’t going to name names or hold anybody
accountable. What kind of investigative
commission is this? Is it just a narrative?
…Because they weren’t going to hold anybody
responsible there are questions they didn’t ask,
there is testimony they didn’t obtain, and they
allowed Bush and Cheney to sit in a room with the
doors closed, and they would answer questions
without being under oath, and the Commission
members were not allowed to take notes. This is not a commission.
That’s why here in New York they are collecting
50,000 signatures to put it on the ballot in the
city of New York so in November you can vote in a
new inquiry with subpoena power. So that there
are no excuses, there is no budget for it. It’s
really interesting. You can raise a budget
privately and that will be easy to do given what
I hear around the country. So, it’s too easy to
say it was a colossal sequence of massive,
serial, repetitive incompetence. Without going
into conspiracy theories, we need a more probing,
honest, subpoena-driven inquiry. It is
interesting that very, very few people were
reprimanded or fired. Doesn’t that tell you
something? Obviously, things went wrong and
people should have been held responsible. But in
Washington failure incurs no penalty. Actually
you can get a talk show or get elected if you
mess up. So, that’s what they’re doing now to get to the bottom of it.”
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