Rosebud #300

This morning, former U.S. Senator Mike Gravel was on Democracy, Now! calling for a new, independent investigation of 9/11. Gravel, who ran for president on the Democratic ticket this year, has agreed to serve as a commissioner on a new 9/11 Commission.
If you read New York Times' reporter Philip Shenon's book, "The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation," then you know that the Bush administration's 9/11 Commission was compromised from the start. The Commission's director, Philip Zelikow, was an administration insider who, according to Shenon, communicated regularly with the White House. After stalling the investigation for 411 days after the attack, the White House continually blocked access to crucial information.
A new, independent investigation makes sense. 9/11 was the worst attack ever on America, the biggest terrorist attack in history. It was a mass murder; and is still an unsolved crime. Last week, Arizona State Senator Karen Johnson also called for a new investigation. The grassroots ballot initiative in New York has gained tens of thousands of signatures, but needs more.
Go to the ballot initiative web site,, to read more and download a ballot calling for a new commission.
From the Democracy, Now! web site:
Former Senator Mike Gravel Calls for Independent 9/11 Investigation and Prosecution of President Bush and Vice President Cheney
The former Democratic senator from Alaska discusses his presidential campaign, his role in the releasing of the Pentagon Papers and his support for NYC 9/11 Ballot Initiative Campaign, a grassroots group seeking to place an initiative on the ballot of the November 6th general election allowing registered New York City voters to create a new commission to investigate 9/11.
Former Alaska Senator and 2008 Presidential Candidate Mike Gravel is holding a news conference in New York City today to join a call for a new independent investigation into 9/11.
Gravel will be speaking on behalf of the NYC 9/11 Ballot Initiative Campaign, a grassroots group seeking to place an initiative on the ballot of the November 6th general election allowing registered New York City voters to create a new Commission to investigate 9/11.
The group is looking to appoint between nine and fifteen commissioners on the panel to conduct the investigation. Some of the people who have reportedly already agreed to serve as commissioners include Lori Van Auken, a 9/11 widow and one of the so-called “Jersey Girls,” Lincoln Chafee, a former Republican Senator from Rhode Island, Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, a pastor in Detori, Michigan as well as former Democratic Senator Mike Gravel, who joins me today in the firehouse studio.
Mike Gravel has published three books this year: “Citizen Power: A Mandate for Change,” “The Kingmakers: How the Media Threatens Our Security and Our Democracy” and "A Political Odyssey.
Sen. Mike Gravel, former Democratic senator from Alaska, who served two terms from 1969 to 1981, and a former candidate in the 2008 presidential election.
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