Rosebud #298

Where the hell is George Bush when you need him? Nowhere in sight. Tragedy seems too much for the president to handle—or perhaps he is like his mother, who said of the casualties in Iraq, "Why should I waste my beautiful mind on that?" Yes, the Bush family is one that cares; not. As Barack Obama (a.k.a. "Zeitgeist") filled sandbags in Iowa, King George was jet-setting around Europe, having tea with foreign leaders. What a guy. 36,000 homeless in Cedar Rapids and Iowa City; Des Moines is a bathtub. But George W. is safe and dry. I didn't see anyone in the media come to mention this fact, in their coverage of the Iowa floods: Where is Bush? I didn't hear anyone say, This is terrible; he should get his butt over here. Now. How our standards have sunk, like the homes and hopes of the flooded citizens of the Midwest.
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