Rosebud #293

Yesterday, the House of Representatives voted 251-166 to send articles of impeachment of President Bush to the Judiciary Committee for review. The news received a 70-word blurb on page A-22 of the New York Times.
The scant other coverage the story has received, such as in Reuters and the A.P., leads with phrases like "expected to die." See Rosebud #290 for an index of the Articles of Impeachment, which were introduced by Rep. Dennis Kucinich. They include such crimes—war crimes, some say—as launching illegal military conflicts and imprisoning children. Almost makes one long for the days of Bill and Monica and the cigar.
The Democratic brass announced, immediately upon taking over Congress in November, that impeachment was "off the table." Too many other things to do, they said, like getting us out of this awful war in Iraq. Which they haven't done, either. Meanwhile this disaster of a president continues to run the country into the ground. And seems to be planning to attack Iran...
See "Bush Won't Rule Out Iran Military Strike":
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