Friday, January 12, 2007

Rosebud #61

“The world is now in such a state,” Garcia Marquez was saying, leaning forward, “that only good journalists can save it.”

Takin’ it to the Streets

My favorite part of the CNN coverage of President Bush’s already infamous "Surge" speech on Iraq was the sound of the protestors outside the White House. CNN didn’t show them, of course---because protestors exist for the American media the way lesbians existed for Queen Victoria----but you could hear them, screaming, chanting in the background as the female newscaster tried to deliver her shpiel… The people! A sound as glorious as a thunder crack, a Jimi Hendrix riff. The people.

And yet the president still hasn’t heard us. We’ve marched, we’ve shouted, written letters, lobbied our Congresspeople, voted out those who wouldn’t hear us. And still the president turns a deaf ear.

We’re going to have to get louder, I guess. On January 27, there will be a major protest in Washington. For more information go to or one of the other web sites with details. I’ll be there.

Iraq has become a Babel, a chaos. A kid I know said to me, of our current state of affairs, "They should write a new Bible." Imagine the mindset of the soldiers here at home listening to the president’s call for 21,000 more troops—his irrational call, contested by everyone from top generals to top doormen. Imagine the mindset of the Iraqis, hearing more destructive American muscle is on its way. Imagine the anger, sadness, and despair.

The president’s footmen claim the reason we haven’t seen another terrorist attack in America since September 11 is this irrational Iraq war. But this is the most irrational statement of all. Iraq had no connection to 9/11. We know this. Only since 9/11 has it become a breeding ground for terrorism, thanks to George Bush and Co.

And by the way, where is Osama bin Laden, the alleged 9/11 mastermind? It wouldn't come as a surprise to find out he's dead (his kidney ailment was pretty bad, and it ain’t easy, being on the run, hiding out in caves when you need dialysis). But even if bin Laden were dead, you could be sure the Bush administration wouldn't tell us---not at least until it became politically advantageous to do so. Like right before the 2008 presidential election?

Some say bin Laden’s in Pakistan, another terrorst haven. But you don’t see us invading Pakistan, do you? Oh right: they have nukes.

The other day I saw the sky in New York trying valiantly to squeeze out some snowflakes. It was a Charlie Brown snowfall---lasted just a few minutes---and the latest on record. The trees all seem very confused.

As we should be. Not only at our government but at our own selves: destroying the most beautiful planet in the heavens, destroying other inhabitants of the planet and their beautiful countries in order to control (i.e. steal) their oil, which will in turn destroy the planet….

Imagine if we had spent the $300 billion (and some) we've spent in Iraq on developing alternative energy sources. Or how about building schools and hospitals in that country? Imagine how much safer and stronger we would be. Imagine how much safer and stronger our children's future.

The people converge in Washington January 27.

You can tell your children you were there.
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