Rosebud #273

I Love Lucy
So says the New York Times today: “Clinton Wins in West Virginia, Where Race Weighs In.” Don’t they mean “racism”? Was p.c. really invented to protect white supremacists? And there is Hillary Clinton, gloating, proud that she was right—white people do like me better! At least in West Virginia, which apparently no successful presidential candidate has lost since 1916. Well so what. These are times to imagine a new beginning, Lord knows we’ve messed up things royally in the past. I don’t get Mrs. Clinton. Does she want to win this thing so bad that she would align herself with the legacy of the Night Riders, the horror of Emmett Till? “The KKK sympathizers, they like me!” What a poor thing it would be to be the president of this great melting pot nation on the basis of support from people who STILL can’t see past the color of someone’s skin. Anyway: You’re not really white, you idiots, you just think you are. A few posts ago I wrote about how I had had my daughter’s DNA done. Amazed by the results, I had mine done as well (you can too at My lily-white freckled skin covers up blood that runs Sicilian, Spanish, Portuguese—and of course African, where we all come from once upon a time. The human race was born to a single mother they call Lucy. If she were alive today, she’d be whupping Hillary’s butt because lady, you are acting up, and we are appalled.
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