Rosebud #266

If you do nothing else today, please read this new report from Corp Watch (which "investigates and exposes corporate violations of human rights, environmental crimes, fraud and corruption"), entitled "Outsourcing Intelligence In Iraq," at:
It's nothing we don't already know, just very succinctly stated and proof that it's still going on, there has been no reform: the torture and abuse of Iraqi prisoners by civilians hired by private contractors is the status quo in the Iraq war. It's all just so sick and stomach-turning. It's as if the Nazis came back and realized, hey, we could make a lot of money off this stuff! That is, rounding up the usual suspects regardless of their innocence or guilt, torturing them till they tell us Al Qaeda's alleged secrets—all while charging the U.S. government for our services to the tune of billions of dollars. Nice scam.
It's costing us money today, and our children's future tomorrow. And it's complete and utter madness. This is the war George Bush tells us is a crusade. This is the war our elected leaders and supposedly wonderful celebrities can't bring themselves to condemn. Not if it means jeopardizing the bottom line. When will it end, and where will it all end? Nowhere good.
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