Rosebud #255

John McCain is now trying to distance himself from George Bush, but under a President McCain—shudder—there's really not going to be any change in our current situation. And it could get worse (i.e. Iran). See Rosebud #206 and #207 in the February, 2008 archive for a couple of pieces which delineate McCain's militaristic leanings. He was part of the whole run-up to the Iraq war; he's pretending to be anti-torture now (he should, he was tortured), but even after Abu Ghraib, he was praising Donald Rumsfeld. McCain is one of America's great warmongers, and as president (shudder-brrrrrr) he's going to bring back all the old cabal, Wolfowitz, Bolton et al, and do you think Cheney will go gently into that good night? I don't know every detail of Barack Obama's record and I don't know know about every meeting he's had with this and that adviser or donor, but I do know that he represents the American people's great desire to regain some semblance of morality at home and in the world. Morality isn't about what someone does between the sheets, it's about how human beings treat one another—whether we are cruel or kind, whether we murder or rescue, oppress or liberate, build or destroy. Why this election is so important is because it's not just about Republicans and Democrats, red states vs. blue states, delegates and super-delegates; it's about good and evil.
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