Rosebud #254

I have to respectfully disagree with Chelsea Clinton, I actually do think how the Monica Lewinsky scandal affected her family, and whether her mother lied about it to the American people, is our business, especially if her mother wants to be president. I never thought they should have gone after Bill on Monica in the first place (Who. Cares.), but since the big overweight cat is out of the bag, Chelsea would gain a lot more sympathy points by making some brief heartfelt statement and putting it all to rest, rather than telling questioners, "That's none of your business." That is something every mother knows to teach her children not to say—it's rude. "We don't say that, Chelsea." Hillary should have told her that a long time ago. Ah, the plight of woman: to be judged on your merits as a mother and a potential world leader, all at the same time.
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