Rosebud #100 is back up. For now.
Read the "Calendar of 3,571 US Military Dead in IQ-AF Wars" posted there.
Particularly heartbreaking is the calendar with how each soldier died.
Would you call me a conspiracy theorist if I said that Paris Hilton's jail sentence comes at a very convenient time—to get everyone in L.A. to stop talking about the LAPD riot on Tuesday (which the New York Times is already completely ignoring), to get everyone in the country to stop thinking about the Iraq war and Karl Rove's dirty tricks and—yes, let's all talk about Paris again! Paris is going to jail! Oh my goodness!
Well, you might be right.
But imagine: Paris Hilton, martyr, sacrificed on the cross of the media, for the good of the neo-cons.
She might go willingly; who knows?
Or: what if her more radicalized fellow inmates somehow managed to make her aware of the way she functions as a distraction from the country's real problems? Global warming? War? As Barbara Bush (senior) said when asked what she thought of the mounting Iraq body count: oh, why should I bother my "beautiful mind" with all that. Let me think about Paris Hilton...
And what if, realizing all this, Paris suddenly woke up; started reading some books; began learning about Martin, Malcolm, Che, even Gloria Steinem, for heaven's sake!
Who knows what could happen. It would be a different world.
But what will probably happen: Paris will sell a book on how she broke a nail in jail. She'll film another reality show about her ordeal. She'll pull a Martha Stewart and just wind up making more money. We all know it. This is America, after all. And Paris is Paris.
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