Rosebud #92

Now You’re Talkin’!
Rep. John Murtha says the Democrats could consider impeaching the president as a way to end the war.
Well it’s about time. Honestly, what more do they need?
Are they waiting for him to get blown by an intern? Shoot someone? Oh, wait, his v.p. already did that. He has lied us into two illegal wars, left the Katrina victims to die, has spied on us and made the United States a country that condones and justifies and engages in torture, has jailed innocents and denied them trials, there’s corruption throughout his administration, now there's this firing of U.S. attorneys... This president has to go. The majority of Americans will cheer.
The Iraq war has failed in doing whatever its alleged stated goals were. When will the Democrats stop letting the Republicans call them cowards for simply stating the truth? There were 41,000 attacks by so-called insurgents last year. The country is now a breeding ground for terrorists, and every minute we stay there, the threat will grow.
“I'm an active duty military officer, a conservative," said someone calling himself "Superdefender" in a comment on the Murtha story at, "and I think President Bush should be impeached. He is an un-intelligent puppet (with Cheney pulling the strings) who is clearly unfit for the job. He is also a big-government Republican in the Nelson Rockefeller/Charles Percy mold.”
Not to mention those eerie minutes when he sat staring into space in the elementary school classroom on 911. Can you imagine any of the "good" presidents doing the same? FDR? Jefferson? Lincoln? How about Teddy Roosevelt? Even Ronald Reagan? George W. Bush doesn't deserve to be president, except maybe of the Lucky Bastards Club. Get rid of him before it's too late...
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