Rosebud #71
I realized I had a picture of the man I called Orville Redenbacher (in Rosebud #66) at the anti-war march in Washington January 27. Hi, Orville! See him up there in the hat, looking delighted to be exercising his right to dissent? Here is the face of the new anti-Bush protest movement: conservative white men!
I watched the debate in Congress on the Iraq resolution most of the day. It was more entertaining than The Tyra Banks Show. Watching Republicans gnash their teeth on yet another version of why we are in Iraq, trotting out the references to Chamberlain and Hitler, the quotes from Douglas MacArthur. I loved it when Charlie Rangel (who served in Korea) got up and reminded everybody that the last time we saw General MacArthur, he was being hauled back to Washington for trying to defy orders and invade China!
It was great theater. But the stakes are all too real for the American servicemen and women of the Surge. For the ones already over there. For the Iraqis. For us.
Perhaps the most insidious argument made by Republicans was the one that said, if we don't continue the Iraq war, "the terrorists" will see it as a "sign of weakness" and "follow us home." This is fearmongering, irrational and wrong. It's the war that's fueling hatred against America and Americans, the war that has turned Iraq into a terrorist breeding ground. The Al Qaeda members who attacked New York on September 11 (assuming you wholeheartedly accept the government's official story) were mainly Saudis—but Saudi Arabia is our "friend," a friend especially to American corporate interests (and the Bush family). Iraq had no connection to September 11 then and has none now. The problem of global terrorism will never be solved through war, but through police work, intelligence and diplomacy. This war makes us all less safe and less moral.
U.S. out of Iraq! Time to imagine a new and better world.
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