Rosebud #375

Is it any big mystery anymore who they are talking about when they talk about their “base?” The ones who scream Obama is a “terrorist” and “kill him” at their mob-like rallies? And McCain and Palin say nothing, do nothing to quell the violent, racist attacks. There are fascists afoot in these there hills; I don’t think rich boy McCain is one at heart—he has no core ideology, he just wants to be president. So badly that he’ll stoop to any sort of ugly smear, at this stage of the game, when America is turning off to him and his bubble-headed running mate (friend of the fascistic Alaskan secessionist party!) and it’s looking like another one of his planes is crashing…
The market madness aside, the ongoing ugly wars aside, despite the ticking time bomb of the environment, I’m feeling very hopeful these days. I’m feeling like maybe there are more than Us than of Them. And that soon, things might actually change—are changing. Have to. And that's a good thing. The sleeping giant of the good American people has awakened, is roaring, and there’s no turning back. This might not be the worst of times so many fear—it might be the best of times, after all. A time to reclaim what matters; a time to get real. For the first time in a long time, it actually feels like good is winning. Anyway, I'm praying on it.
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