Rosebud #319

About this leaked tape of Bush declaring "Wall Street got drunk." ( I'm not going to argue the flimsiiness and silliness of his explanation of the financial woes his administration has brought down on America. But I'd like to say something about the president's demeanor during this off-the-cuff discourse, delivered at the home of a Houston fundraiser. The president seems kinda tipsy to me. And he's talking about drunk stuff too. Now, that's a strong thing to say about one's president—especially one who's said to be a reformed alcoholic, and a Bible-thumper, but I can't help but wonder. Look at him. He's all loose and glib and bouncy, squinty-eyed, talking weird and making weird jokes. OK, he's always like that. But, well, I heard from some Texas reporters a while ago that the president still likes his beer. And then there was that photo of him sipping something that looked remarkably like brewsky at the G8 summit last year.
Here's a funny "Bush Drunk" video:
And here's the Daily Kos on whether Bush still drinks:
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