Rosebud #277

Hello, zeitgeist!
So if all goes well, and barring any funny business with super-delegates and alleged terrorist incidents and hanging chads, America is going to elect a black former community organizer to the presidency. America—where, some in the media like to tell us "there is no activism anymore," where hundreds upon thousands upon millions and millions have marched and rallied and written letters and blogs and held meetings and screamed and shouted against the Iraq war, and now, for this positive-talking, hope-inspiring, elegant-looking, grateful-tear-inducing black man from Hawaii. Wow. Whereas the Bush administration, and the Clinton spoilers, want to tell us that everything is dark and bad, that evil and hatred are winning and so we have to be even evil-er to defend ourselves and we are "naive" to think otherwise, this sunny, smiling, happy-seeming Harvard-educated brilliant man comes along and recaptures the spirit of America as expressed in Emerson and Whitman; he sings the song of ourselves, again, and it sounds like music, suddenly. Wow. You flipped the script, Obama. The Democratic party would be fools to throw this guy away; he's like dynamite in a handsome bottle. Then why this fear and trepidation, at the base of it all, that it's too good to be true? Ah, maybe they've just gotten away with fouling up the world for so long we lost faith in our ability to change it despite them. More evidence of his brilliance: the emphasis on "change." What the people want! I do hope it comes true.
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