Rosebud #218

How can the New York Times keep a straight face, doing its usual he-said/she-said reporting about things like Guantanamo Bay—as it did today, on Page A1; “critics say they torture there, but the military says pshaw!”**—when there is plenty of documentary evidence available on the Internet exposing the evils afoot? Today Gawker has a posting on Wikileaks, the Wikipedia-sponsored site that posts censored documents. A California judge has just granted an injuction against the site***, but you can still see plenty of interesting things there, including “the US Rules of Engagement for Iraq, secret CIA funding for torture research, records of the U.S. violating the chemical weapons ban…and operating procedure for Guantanamo”—which confirms the use of psychological torture at Guantanamo through isolation and other tactics. Check it out at:
**from today's Times: "Al Qaeda Operatives," Commander [Jeffrey D.] Gordon [a Pentagon spokesman] said, "are trained to make false accusations about the confistions of their detention, in order to garner public sympathy."
***For more on the Wikileaks scandal, see, which is "mirroring" the site in case of shut-down.
See also Rosebud #216, below…
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