Rosebud #118

In this culture it is impossible to see all the movies but also impossible not to have an opinion on ones you’ve never seen, so constantly are we assaulted by their p.r. machines. The latest is “Knocked Up,” which I know from the many glowing reviews is about a hapless young man who knocks up a one-night stand and leaves selfishness behind to assume responsibility and become a good daddy.
Nice story. Except that’s what never happens. More often the hapless young man’s response is, “Huh? Me? How do I know I’m the dad?”
Or how about, "Who are you?"
Or, “Why can’t you just have an abortion?”
Or, “If you think I’m paying for some kid I never wanted you’re crazy!”
And then there's, “I don’t love you!”
But leave it to men to find a way to congratulate themselves for something they never do. Women, on the other hand, don’t have much of a chance to “look good” by saying, hey, I am going be responsible here! when the baby is already growing inside them. If they have an abortion, they're called babykillers; if they have the child, they're called sluts—excuse me, single moms, which in our society rings on about the same frequency as “whores.”
Today I congratulate women, especially the single moms, for what they never get credit for: doing the right thing.
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