Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Rosebud #16

From this month's Vanity Fair Mailbag (October, 2006), about my piece on the 9/11 documentary Loose Change (in the August issue):

"'No doubt you'll receive tons of mail calling the author a traitor, or denouncing Vanity Fair as a liberal, Bush-bashing rag"—actually, that was the previous 57 Mailbags—"however, this article proves you are doing the work that the first patriots of this nation envisioned for a free press." So says Mike Kress, of Spokane, Washington, about VF's report on the homemade documentary Loose Change. On the contrary—curiously, some might say—the floorboards are buckling under the weight of appreciative letters regarding that piece. 'It is imperative to remember that the truth is not a Republican or Democratic agenda, but an American one" is how, for instance, Cricket Kovatch, of South Bend, Indiana, puts it. In these letters, the same words come up repeatedly: courage, bravo, guts, applaud, integrity (and its I'm-running-late variant, intrgrty), kudos, salute, and balls. It's almost as if...well, we don't want to call it a conspiracy, but certainly there is strong circumstantial evidence that the article—and the movie—struck a chord."

Thanks to everyone who wrote. Watch the film at, and check out,, and
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